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<function name="TestCollision" parent="ENTITY" type="hook"> <description> Allows you to override trace result when a trace hits the entitys Bounding Box. ⤶ <note>Your entity must have <page>Entity:EnableCustomCollisions</page> enabled for this hook to work.</note>⤶ <note>This hook is called for `anim` type only.</note>⤶ Allows you to override trace result when a trace hits the entity. ⤶ Your entity **must** have <page>Entity:EnableCustomCollisions</page> enabled for this hook to work.⤶ Your entity must also be otherwise "hit-able" with a trace, so it should have <page text="SOLID_OBB">Enums/SOLID#SOLID_OBB</page> or <page text="SOLID_VPHYSICS">Enums/SOLID#SOLID_VPHYSICS</page> be set (as an example), and it must have its <page text="collision bounds">Entity:SetCollisionBounds</page> be set accordingly.⤶ <note>This hook is called for `anim` type only.</note>⤶ </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="startpos" type="Vector">Start position of the trace.</arg> <arg name="delta" type="Vector">Offset from startpos to the endpos of the trace.</arg> <arg name="isbox" type="boolean">Is the trace a hull trace?</arg> <arg name="extents" type="Vector">Size of the hull trace?</arg> <arg name="extents" type="Vector">Size of the hull trace, with the center of the Bounding Box being `0, 0, 0`, so mins are `-extents`, and maxs are `extents`.</arg> <arg name="mask" type="number">The <page>Enums/CONTENTS</page> mask.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="table">Returning a `table` will allow you to override trace results. Table should contain the following keys, all optional:⤶ * <page>Vector</page> `HitPos` - The new hitpos of the trace. <ret name="" type="table">⤶ Returning a `table` will allow you to override trace results. Table should contain the following keys: (All keys fallback to the original trace value) * <page>Vector</page> `HitPos` - The new hit position of the trace.⤶ * <page>number</page> `Fraction` - A number from `0` to `1`, describing how far the trace went from its origin point, `1` = did not hit. * Could be calculated like so : `Fraction = ( startpos + delta ):Length() / myCustomHitPos:Length()`⤶ * <page>Vector</page> `Normal` - A unit vector (length=1) describing the direction perpendicular to the hit surface. Returning `true` will allow "normal" collisions to happen for `SOLID_VPHYSICS` and `SOLID_BBOX` entities.<br/> Returning `true` will allow "normal" collisions to happen for `SOLID_VPHYSICS` and `SOLID_OBB` entities.<br/> Returning `nothing` or `false` allows the trace to ignore the entity completely.</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Example taken from `lua/entities/widget_base.lua`</description> <code> function ENT:TestCollision( startpos, delta, isbox, extents ) if ( isbox ) then return end if ( !widgets.Tracing ) then return end -- TODO. Actually trace against our cube! return { HitPos = self:GetPos(), Fraction = 0.5 * self:GetPriority() } end </code> </example> <example> <description>Allows players to shoot through the entity, but still stand on it and use the Physics Gun on it, etc.</description> <code> local sent_contents = CONTENTS_GRATE function ENT:TestCollision( startpos, delta, isbox, extents, mask ) if mask, sent_contents ) ~= 0 then return true end end </code> </example>