Revision Difference
<function name="OnLuaError" parent="GM" type="hook">
Called when a Lua error occurs, only works in the Menu <page text="realm">States</page>.
<note>This will be available in all realms in a future update.</note>⤶
<realm>Shared and Menu</realm>⤶
<file line="">lua/menu/errors.lua</file>
<arg name="error" type="string">The error that occurred.</arg>
<arg name="realm" type="number">Where the Lua error took place</arg>
<arg name="stack" type="table">The Lua error stack trace</arg>
<arg name="name" type="string">Title of the addon that is creating the Lua errors.</arg>
<arg name="id" type="number">Steam Workshop ID of the addon creating Lua errors, if it is an addon.</arg>