Garry's Mod Wiki

GM:OnLuaError History

3 Months Ago
GM:OnLuaError - Add clarification
4 Months Ago
GM:OnLuaError - This is incorrect
by Zaurzo
7 Months Ago
GM:OnLuaError - Corrected data type of ID
8 Months Ago
GM:OnLuaError - Added Example
by Melon
9 Months Ago
GM:OnLuaError - Mention that it doesn't do anything for ErrorNoHalt/Error functions
1 Year Ago
GM:OnLuaError - correct typing and fix client and server
GM:OnLuaError - Change description (realm is now shared+menu) + add note about serverside calls
by Chev
GM:OnLuaError - Minor Change
by Rubat
GM:OnLuaError - Minor Change + Minor Change
by Rubat
GM:OnLuaError - Minor Change
by D4KiR
GM:OnLuaError - Updated realm
GM:OnLuaError - Minor Change
by Rubat
5 Years Ago
GM:OnLuaError - added the stack argument
by Rubat
GM:OnLuaError - Remove example + fix source code link
by Florian
GM:OnLuaError - &lt; to <
by Yogpod
GM:OnLuaError - No change reason was given
by Html Fixer
GM:OnLuaError - No change reason was given
by gmwikiimport