Revision Difference
<function name="OnLuaError" parent="GM" type="hook">
Called when a Lua error occurs. Doesn't run for <page>Global.ErrorNoHalt</page> or <page>Global.Error</page>.
Called when a Lua error occurs.
<note>On the <page text="server realm">States</page>, this hook will only account for server-side errors, not client-side ones.</note>
<realm>Shared and Menu</realm>
<file line="">lua/menu/errors.lua</file>
<arg name="error" type="string">The error that occurred.</arg>
<arg name="realm" type="string">Where the Lua error took place, "client", or "server"</arg> <!-- needs "menu" possibly, not tested -->
<arg name="stack" type="table">The Lua error stack trace</arg>
<arg name="name" type="string">Title of the addon that is creating the Lua errors.</arg>
<arg name="id" type="string">Steam Workshop ID of the addon creating Lua errors, if it is an addon.</arg>
<description>Replicate [lua_error_url]('s functionality using the hook, while adding new values to the payload.</description>
-- Called on logic errors such as nil functions being called or nil being used
-- to index a table.
hook.Add( "OnLuaError", "mock_lua_error_url", function( error, realm, stack, name, addon_id )
-- Send a POST request to the given URL with
-- information relating to the error that could be useful for logging.
http.Post( "", {
error = error,
stack = util.TableToJSON(stack, false),
realm = realm,
addon = addon_id or 0,
gamemode = engine.ActiveGamemode(),
os = jit.os,
-- New data extending upon lua_error_url for demonstrative purposes,
-- not that these are very useful.
addon_name = name,
time = os.time(),
player_count = player.GetCount()
} )
end )