Garry's Mod Wiki

Wiki Page Requests History

8 Months Ago
Wiki_Page_Requests - removed only using half the page + Minor Change
by Seven
11 Months Ago
Wiki_Page_Requests - Restructured / formatted page a bit
Wiki_Page_Requests - A1 Covered Stencils
by Seven
12 Months Ago
Wiki_Page_Requests - Minor Change
by Rubat
Wiki_Page_Requests - Added WEAPON:CalcViewModelView
Wiki_Page_Requests - Request for pros & cons of different sound creation methods + Minor Change
by Chev
1 Year Ago
Wiki_Page_Requests - Added Angle example request
Wiki_Page_Requests - Update request regarding enum descriptions
by Chev
Wiki_Page_Requests - The Lua Loading Order page has been updated to reflect this request
by Chev
Wiki_Page_Requests - Lua Loading Order note
by Chev
Wiki_Page_Requests - Data Storage
by TankNut
Wiki_Page_Requests - Added util.Timer class pages request
Wiki_Page_Requests - Removed the last of the min/mag filtering functions
Wiki_Page_Requests - Minor Change
Wiki_Page_Requests - Minor formatting change + Added Scripted Entitiy page request + Added Scripted Weapon page request + Minor changes to Scripted Entity page request
Wiki_Page_Requests - Updated section names to match new section names
Wiki_Page_Requests - i have added an example to pushMag filter, i do not think the pop functions need changing, them linking to the push functions is enough for examples, no need to duplicate stuff
by Rubat
Wiki_Page_Requests - Request for adding descriptions to various enums
by Chev
Wiki_Page_Requests - Added render library FilterMin and FilterMag push and pop functions + Minor Change + Minor Change
Wiki_Page_Requests - added some bullet points
by Seven
Wiki_Page_Requests - Minor spelling changes
by Aske
Wiki_Page_Requests - Stencil Pages - provided started resource
by Seven
Wiki_Page_Requests - Reorganized sections and added subsections + Minor Change
Wiki_Page_Requests - Rewrote second section to more clearly indicate that it is the Developer Reference section
Wiki_Page_Requests - Created Page
by Seven