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<function name="GetAnalogValue" parent="input" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Returns the digital value of an analog stick on the current (set up via convars) controller.</description> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <added>2021.01.27</added> <args> <arg name="axis" type="number">The analog axis to poll. See <page>Enums/ANALOG</page>.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="number">The digital value. <note>A joystick axis returns `-32768` when it's pushed completely up/completely left, & returns `32767` when it's pushed completely down/completely right. A mouse wheel starts @ `0` & increases by `1` for every unit of scroll up/decreases by `1` for every unit of scroll down. A mouse axis is `0` when the arrow is @ the top or left of the screen; When the arrow is @ the bottom right of the screen, the mouse y axis is the height of the screen & the mouse x axis is the width of the screen (in pixels). Note that in game, the “arrow” stays near the middle of the screen. Trigger axis always return `0` (verify).</note></ret> </rets> </function>