Garry's Mod Wiki

User Changes: Cryotheum

11 Months Ago
table.concat - Fixed concatenator parameter's default value
1 Year Ago
navmesh.GetNavAreaCount - navmesh.GetNavAreaCount doesn't return the highest navarea (unless the are no gaps in the IDs)
GM:ShowSpare1 - Bound to F3 by default - not F4
Global.tobool - Corrected source lines
math.Round - Corrected source lines + Oop
Global.DEFINE_BASECLASS - Wow, this could be horrible (added warning)
math.pi - Pi is not "The effective infinity." corrected the return description.
table.IsEmpty - Added note about the next function
Global.CreateConVar - Added a warning about FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING's incompatibility with FCVAR_REPLICATED
file_class - Added note about endianness
string.NiceTime - Fixed source lines
string.TrimLeft - Fixed source lines
Global.LanguageChanged - Corrected source lines
net.WriteBool - Fixed source lines
2 Years Ago
Global.STNDRD - Fixed <file> tag's line numbers
draw.DrawText - Corrected source lines hightlight
Material_Parameters - Documented mips' adjusting material dimensions
DComboBox:SetValue - Added source reference line selection
DComboBox:SetSortItems - Added source reference line selection
DComboBox:OpenMenu - Added source reference line selection
DComboBox:OnSelect - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:IsMenuOpen - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:GetSortItems - Added source reference line selection
DComboBox:GetSelectedID - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:GetSelected - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:GetOptionTextByData - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:GetOptionText - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:GetOptionData - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:CloseMenu - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:Clear - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:ChooseOption - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:AddSpacer - Added source reference line selection
DComboBox:AddChoice - Fixed source reference line selection
DComboBox:ChooseOptionID - Fixed source reference line selection
3 Years Ago
DTab - DTab:GetPanel is now documented
DTab:GetPanel - Created page for DTab:GetPanel
DPropertySheet:OnActiveTabChanged - Minor Change + Minor Change x2
Panel:SetParent - Added note about making panels clickable in the context menu without SetKeyboardInputEnabled
Panel:SetMouseInputEnabled - Added note about making panels work in the context menu.
Entity:EnableCustomCollisions - Fixed erring syntax in example
Post-Processing_Materials - Fixed URLs for all shader page tags, including ones without pages
GM:MouthMoveAnimation - Added example code from base gamemode
4 Years Ago
Global.GetHUDPanel - Oh yeah controls get disabled too
vgui.GetWorldPanel - The HUD panel is not parented to this panel, meaning it's NOT all panels
Global.GetHUDPanel - Added info about usage
Panel:NoClipping - Remove page link to deprecated function
DScrollPanel:Clear - Created missing page
ENTITY:Think - Added note about makjing it run server sided
SANDBOX:PlayerSpawnObject - Oxford comma
Vector:Distance - Added benchmarking statistic
bf_read - Note about usermessage being deprecated
GM:PlayerInitialSpawn - Added note about GM:InitPostEntity and added a more up to date hack
GM:InitPostEntity - Added note about this being the point at which net messages are reliable
net.Start - Added warning about sending net messages too early
Panel:NewAnimation - Fixed broken page links
DForm:CheckBox - Added note about OnChange being run when using this function
table.Merge - Added not about table modification like in table.Add
DIconBrowser - Fixed DIconLayout page link
render.DrawSprite - No need to define a white variable in example, there is a color_white global
render.SetColorMaterial - Added note about internals
render.SetColorMaterialIgnoreZ - Added note about internals
markup.Parse - Added note about tag aliases
derma.GetDefaultSkin - Fixed GM:ForceDermaSkin page link
DForm:PanelSelect - Returned panel is marked as deprecated
Player_Classes - Used page tags instead of code highlighting
DForm:ListBox - Added warning about DListBox
HUD_Element_List - <warning> tag is not available in tables.