Garry's Mod Wiki

User Changes: Phonedroid

10 Months Ago
Tools/Balloons - Added banner
cookie.Delete - Adjusted naming to match related functions
cookie.Set - Added example
cookie.Delete - Added example
cookie - Reworked summary | Sidebar test + Removed non-functional title tag
vararg - Complete rework | More examples
Global.FireProblem - Extended / added example
Problems_Menu - Basic overview of the problems menu
math.random - Added example titles
11 Months Ago
Props-Construction - Page stub + Content test
Angle - Formatting + Example title
gamemodes/DarkRP - Formatted controls & commands
light_userdata - Moved to userdata
light_userdata - Unlisted - Merged into userdata
userdata - Merged userdata docs
Tools/Axis - Added banner
Materials_and_Textures - Linked gradients page
Gradients - Added gradients overview
Addons - Restructured page
Mounting_Content_on_a_Dedicated_Server - Reworked part of the page
Mounting_Content_on_a_Dedicated_Server - Rewrote part of the page
Enums/CLASS - Formatted values table
Loading_URL - Reworked url information + Fixed code block type
Global_Variables - Reworked global tables list into table
Global_Variables - Added link icons
Dev_Branch - Added SteamCMD instructions
Dev_Branch - Updated branch switching guide
Command_Line_Parameters - Updated steam configuration guide
Using_your_Physgun - Added some example gifs
Wiki_Page_Requests - Restructured / formatted page a bit
SourceScheme - Reworked default colors table
Tools/Balloons - Created balloons tool page
ConVars_In_Garrysmod - Improved table formatting
Command_Line_Parameters - Improved table formatting
Achievements_List - Created achievement overview page + Adjusted sidebar name
CS:S_Kill_Icons - Created preview images for every icon
Blocked_ConCommands - Improved table formatting
Color_Pickers - Documented default color picker / palette
Color:ToHSV - Adjusted wording
Specific_Operators - Reworked operators & aliases
ConVars_In_Garrysmod - Reworked the misc console variables table
Global.BRANCH - Clarified availability in realms
Understanding_AddCSLuaFile_and_include - Replaced networking diagram
Tools/Axis - Minor Rework
Console_Command_Auto-completion - Adjusted wiki links to use domain relative paths
Console_Command_Auto-completion - Almost complete rework