Garry's Mod Wiki

User Changes: Billy

5 Months Ago
util.Decompress - Add note about the uncompressed size being prepended to the input + Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
by Billy
util.Compress - Add note about the uncompressed size being prepended to the output
by Billy
6 Months Ago
steamworks.FileInfo - Add gmsv_workshop link
by Billy
steamworks.DownloadUGC - Add gmsv_workshop link
by Billy
1 Year Ago
Using_The_Kinect - Xbox One Kinect information
by Billy
2 Years Ago
string.StartsWith - Fix dev branch notice??
by Billy
string.StartsWith - Add dev branch notice to string.StartsWith
by Billy
by Billy
jit.version - grammar
by Billy
jit.version - Add x86-64 branch version
by Billy
3 Years Ago
util.SHA1 - Hash, not checksum + Add security warning
by Billy
util.MD5 - Hash, not checksum + Add security warning
by Billy
util.CRC - Add warning about collisions + Minor change
by Billy
util.SHA256 - Hash, not a checksum
by Billy
Player:UniqueIDTable - Deprecate UniqueIDTable as it's based on UniqueID
by Billy
File_Search_Paths - Note that file.Find uses GMA title, not Workshop addon title
by Billy
util.TableToJSON - Add note about SteamID64s
by Billy
util.Base64Encode - Add new inline argument
by Billy
net.Start - Improve limit warning
by Billy
util.Base64Encode - RFC 2045 + Minor Change
by Billy
4 Years Ago
Workshop_Addon_Creation - Add platforms to gmpublisher + Let's move the GUIs to the top of this page
by Billy
Entity:PhysicsInitConvex - Minor Change
by Billy
Global.Either - Layout + language fixes
by Billy
Global.Either - Add note about falsey values
by Billy
Workshop_Addon_Creation - Add gmpublisher
by Billy
Workshop_Addon_Updating - Minor Change
by Billy
Player:GetTool - Add TOOL struct link
by Billy
util.IsInWorld - Fix example + nope nevermind brain not work 2day
by Billy
util.IsInWorld - Slightly optimise the trace
by Billy
file.Time - Minor Change
by Billy
string.Split - Alias of string.Explode
by Billy
Front Page - Fix link
by Billy
player.GetByUniqueID - Deprecate Player:UniqueID() and player.GetByUniqueID()
by Billy
Player:UniqueID - Deprecate Player:UniqueID() and player.GetByUniqueID()
by Billy
player.GetByUniqueID - Add performance warning
by Billy
player.GetByAccountID - Add performance warning
by Billy
player.GetBySteamID - Add performance warning
by Billy
player.GetBySteamID64 - Add performance warning
by Billy
Global.Either - Rewrite Either documenation + Fix code tag + Minor Change + Minor Change + Add link to Lua section of Wikipedia's ternary operator page + Minor Change
by Billy
Front Page - Add a much nicer front page header and welcome + Fix anchor links + Add recent changes link to Contributing + Minor Change + Nevermind, SPA handling for ~ in links is bugged
by Billy
Front Page - Fix up some sloppy capitalizations
by Billy
Lua_Editors - Add GLua Enhanced to VSCode Extensions and add more information about other extensions + Improve readability + better Sublime Text description + Better VSCode description + Add themes link for VSCode + Recommend VSCode over Sublime Text for non-beginners
by Billy
Beginner_Tutorial_Intro - Add Lua Editors link
by Billy
Front Page - Add Lua Editors link to main page + lua -> Lua
by Billy
Panel:LoadTGAImage - Panel func -> class func
by Billy
util.worldpicker.Start - Fix broken link
by Billy
util.worldpicker.Finish - Fix sidebar structure (again)
by Billy
EFFECT_Hooks - Fix borked category page
by Billy
util.worldpicker.Start - Fix sidebar structure
by Billy
util.worldpicker.Finish - Minor Change
by Billy
util.worldpicker.Active - Fix sidebar structure
by Billy
ents.CreateClientProp - Add model precaching warning
by Billy
Entity:NetworkVar - Minor Change
by Billy
Entity:TakeDamageInfo - Add env_entity_dissolver tip
by Billy
ITexture:GetNumAnimationFrames - Created Page + Move back into ITexture category
by Billy
Entity:SetPreventTransmit - Add note about using SetPreventTransmit on PLAYER
by Billy
Global.ErrorNoHalt - Remove fixed bug #1810
by Billy
GM:ShouldCollide - Minor Change + Add logic_collision_pair note
by Billy
GM:ShouldCollide - Remove return in ShouldCollide that would break it for all other addons
by Billy
halo.Add - ViewModel Z depth tip + Forgot to close note tag
by Billy
math.pi - Better example for math.pi output + Add Floating point precision considerations
by Billy
Silkicons - Added Icon List section (backup for if goes down)
by Billy
GM:EntityRemoved - Add bug #4675 + Add more information link + Add anchor link to "Clientside behaviour remarks"
by Billy
Entity:CallOnRemove - Add bug #4675 + Add anchor link to "Clientside behaviour remarks"
by Billy
ENTITY:OnRemove - Make Clientside behaviour remarks a bit more obvious and better layout
by Billy
render.GetColorModulation - Add g and b returns
by Billy