Garry's Mod Wiki

file.IsDir History

9 Months Ago
file.IsDir - Issue [#1038] was fixed
11 Months Ago
file.IsDir - Issue #1038 is fixed
by Florian
3 Years Ago
file.IsDir - Merge improved workaround from file.Exists page
by Florian
file.IsDir - Formatting + add some things from last changes of file.Exists
by Florian
4 Years Ago
file.IsDir - Add warning about the current issue with the VFS causing the function to fail finding folders received from the server. + Fix wrong issue id + Clarified code example
file.IsDir - parent fix +
file.IsDir - filepath better description
by grmx
file.IsDir - No change reason was given
by Html Fixer
file.IsDir - No change reason was given
by gmwikiimport