Garry's Mod Wiki

User Changes: Luiggi33

10 Months Ago
Networking_Usage - fix navigator link for optimizations
12 Months Ago
Player:SetActiveWeapon - redo example + Minor Change
1 Year Ago
table.IsEmpty - be precise when its faster
DPanelList - add info on how to get vbar
GM:PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice - change note to warning
GM:AcceptInput - add another example
GM:EntityRemoved - add example
debug.getregistry - Minor Change
scripted_ents.Get - Fix source link
Editable_Entities - add section about hooks
GM:NetworkEntityCreated - Add example
Global_Variables - Update github line numbers
ents.FindByClass - Added note about sequentiality
ents.FindByModel - Added example + changed description to be a note
ents.FindInSphere - Split notes
team.GetPlayers - Added another example + Minor Change
Player:GetWeapons - Added note about sequentiality
ents.GetAll - Added ipairs note
team.GetPlayers - Add sequentiality info
Entity:TakeDamageInfo - Make info into warning
Entity:TakeDamage - Add more info to warning
Panel:MakePopup - Link to the correct KeyboardInputEnabled page
team.GetColor - Optimise example
string - Updated GitHub Reference
GM:PlayerSelectSpawn - Added note about spawn point entity rotation
table.IsEmpty - Rephrased the part about next
Downloading_a_Dedicated_Server - Added force_install_dir to automated command
player.GetHumans - added ipairs note
GM:PostPlayerDraw - Added note for PVS
GM:HUDDrawTargetID - Added return value and rearranged examples
table.move - Added note about availability
table.move - Created Page
3 Years Ago
Creating_Looping_Sounds - added warning for FL Studio users
Dev_Branch - Added an Explanation on how to check for Branches + Minor Change