Garry's Mod Wiki

User Changes: TIMON_Z1535

22 Days Ago
Player:ExitLadder - typofix
30 Days Ago
ents.FindAlongRay - Returns Entity array
ents.FindByClass - Returns Entity array
ents.FindByClassAndParent - Returns Entity array
ents.FindByModel - Returns Entity array
ents.FindByName - Returns Entity array
ents.FindInPVS - Returns Entity array + args
ents.FindInSphere - Returns Entity array
ents.FindInCone - Returns Entity array
ents.FindInBox - Returns Entity array
ENTITY:Use - enum
ents.GetMapCreatedEntity - Returns can be nil
ents.GetByIndex - NULL like Entity func
Global.Entity - format
Entity:EntIndex - format
ents.Iterator - table to table<Entity>
ents.GetAll - returns Entity array
ITexture:GetColor - returns Color
Entity:SetColor - SetColor uses Color
Entity:GetColor - GetColor returns Color
33 Days Ago
Derma_Basic_Guide - do not deprecate DLabelURL
CNavArea:GetSpotEncounters - page links instead or relative url + fix
GM:PlayerDeathSound - Replace fake SNDLVL_NORM with a number
Enums/SNDLVL - Same warning string as other fake enums
Enums/TEXTUREFLAGS - Update link + Remove notag="1" + revert
Advanced_Chatbox - The Lua ellipsis vararg are not deprecated lol
35 Days Ago
Global_Variables - Add TOOL global variable for Sandbox derived gamemodes
drive.Register - Finally moved to DRIVE(?) + fix
drive.CalcView - Finally moved to DRIVE(?)
36 Days Ago
Enums/NAV_MESH - Fix enum value and order
41 Days Ago
Entity:CallDTVarProxies - Fix argument names
Entity:NetworkVar - More transparent text about strings slots 0-3
player.Iterator - table to table<Player>
player.GetByID - Return can be nil
player.GetByUniqueID - Return can be false + fix + fix
player.GetBySteamID64 - Return can be false + fix
player.GetByAccountID - Return can be false + fix
player.GetHumans - table to table<Player>
Global.FindMetaTable - Return can be nil, add RegisterMetaTable note.
PhysObj:GetVolume - Return can be nil
PhysObj:GetSurfaceArea - Return can be nil
util.JSONToTable - Return can be nil
util.Decompress - Return can be nil
Entity:SetPreventTransmit - Additional arg alternative types
Entity:GetModel - Return can be nil
Entity:DTVar - Overload with omitted slot
Entity:NetworkVarElement - Overload with omitted slot
Entity:NetworkVar - Overload with omitted slot
net.Send - plys table to table<Player>
net.SendOmit - plys table to table<Player>
Lua_Editors - Add sumneko's Lua to recommended extensions, don't thank GLuaLint for all the efforts, but community.
57 Days Ago
Understanding_AddCSLuaFile_and_include - Add server's AddCSLuaFile also for shared.lua
Global.Angle - Revert pitch default value because its optional "it will produce 0,0,0 if pitch is nil"
58 Days Ago
GM:PlayerSay - Revert typo (?)
DMenuBar:SetBackgroundColor - Moved to DPanel:SetBackgroundColor since 2016
DMenuBar:GetBackgroundColor - Moved to DPanel:GetBackgroundColor since 2016
DMenuBar:SetDisabled - Moved to DPanel:SetDisabled since 2016
DMenuBar:GetDisabled - Moved to DPanel:GetDisabled since 2016
59 Days Ago
NPC - Replace url to Entity page link
Vehicle - Replace url to Entity page link
1 Year Ago
VMatrix - VMatrix has negation operator __unm
util.Decompress - Fix return value and maxSize desc
util.Compress - Return value can't be nil
Structures/ViewData - Add viewid option
Enums/VIEW - Created view_id_t enum + Valid values range from 0 to 8
string.GetFileFromFilename - Fix string functions desc
string.GetPathFromFilename - Fix string functions desc
string.GetExtensionFromFilename - Fix string functions desc
string.StripExtension - Fix string functions desc
Fake_Scripted_Entity_Creation - Note about bad article practice
render.RenderFlashlights - Fix render.PushFlashlightMode link
Entity:ClearAllOutputs - Restored the lost functionality by #1984
2 Years Ago
Weapon:SetNextPrimaryFire - Note about "weapon_pistol" that bypasses this function
Player:SetNoCollideWithTeammates - Note about influence on traces
3 Years Ago
Default_Fonts - All default engine fonts
Player:AccountID - Move note about bots to note block
Player:SteamID - Move note about bots to note block
surface.DrawLine - February 2022 Patch
Angle - Typofix
Player:SetNoCollideWithTeammates - This method is Shared