Garry's Mod Wiki

User Changes: Phoenixf

34 Days Ago
GM:CheckPassword - Update URL to git history as the strings are default now + Minor Change
37 Days Ago
file.Find - Added workshop title lookup example + Added new Example for searching inside workshop addons via addon title
2 Months Ago
Player:GetRagdollEntity - NotABug + Explanation
5 Months Ago
GM:PlayerDisconnected - Removed shrodinger note
7 Months Ago
file.Delete - bruh, save our linters
Panel:Receiver - so luals doesn't complain about 4 arg requirement and 3 supplied ( i hope )
cam.PushModelMatrix - Added a box rotation example
8 Months Ago
ents.FindInCone - returns more than 512 in testing
ents.FindInSphere - Not limited to 1024
ents.FindInBox - isn't limited to 512, serverside only ents don't return
Auto_Refresh - Section on loading order + Minor Change
SANDBOX:PlayerGiveSWEP - Fixed inaccuracies + Added view source + correct line
9 Months Ago
engine.CloseServer - Minor rewording/restructure
Serving_Content - Fixed hashlinks (maybe)
Serving_Content - Reordered page by speed, prioritised workshop over serverdl and added link for content pack creation
11 Months Ago
Auto_Refresh - Reword+remove symlink not working(they do, or will on next update) + Minor Change + Minor Change + Add lua_refresh_file
Global.ClientsideRagdoll - Latest update changes + Minor Change
12 Months Ago
Entity:NetworkVar - New functionality from update
Global.ScrH - add viewport explanation
Global.ScrW - add viewport explanation
Lua_Loading_Order - cleanup, written in notes + Minor Change
Lua_Loading_Order - update notes
1 Year Ago
Global.Angle - Minor reword
Global.Color - Minor reword
Global.Vector - Minor reword + mention object creation/gc being the expensive part
States - x2
Prediction_Examples - Revert defacing
Player_Classes - Revert defacing
Gamemode_Creation - Revert defacing
Game_Movement - Revert defacing
Fake_Scripted_Entity_Creation - Revert defacing
Entity_Driving - Revert defacing
ValveBiped_Bones - Revert defacing
Player_model_LOD_settings - Revert defacing
Player_model_compilation - Revert defacing
Player_Animations - Revert defacing
Common_Weapon_Models - Revert defacing
Sandbox_Specific_Mapping - Revert defacing
States - Revert defacing
Specific_Operators - Revert defacing
References - Revert defacing
Lua_Folder_Structure - Revert defacing
Lua_Error_Explanation - Revert defacing
Lua_Editors - Revert defacing
Delays_and_Cooldowns - Revert defacing
Beginner_Tutorial_Variables - Revert defacing
Beginner_Tutorial_Tables - Revert defacing
Beginner_Tutorial_Intro - Revert defacing
Beginner_Tutorial_If_Then_Else - Revert defacing
Auto_Refresh - Revert defacing
Addons - Revert defacing
DColorCube:SetColor - example code works on join now, as opposed to just saving
DColorCube:SetColor - Minor code cleanup
DColorCube:SetColor - fixed broken example + actually upload the code this time + Minor Change
render.CapturePixels - added render context requirement note
DTextEntry:AllowInput - Minor Change, added SetMaximumCharCount sidelink
Global.BRANCH - Fixed misleading wording + Minor Change
table.Add - Minor warning
render.PushFilterMag - Minor Change
player_manager.TranslatePlayerHands - updated description to highlight requirement + better terminology
render.PushFilterMin - added links to other pages, like the other pages
player_manager.TranslatePlayerHands - Minor Change, added note about adding your own
Panel:GetTall - grammatical
Panel:GetWide - grammatical
util.IsValidModel - Minor Reword
Player:SetEyeAngles - Minor Change + testing lua parser
2 Years Ago
Panel:Clear - noitatnemucod MissinggnissiMnoitatnemucod MissinggnissiMMinor Change
Auto_Refresh - Minor Change
Entity:TakeDamageInfo - localised dmg variable
3 Years Ago
cam.Start3D2D - Minor Change + Minor Change
cam.Start3D - Minor Change + Minor Change
cam.Start2D - Minor Change + Minor Change
GM:PlayerCheckLimit - Changed "&&" to "and"!!!
Player:AddCount - Minor Change + Added note
Player:GetCount - Renamed "class" to "type" + Added types/example
GM:PlayerCheckLimit - Added Examples + Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
Entity:TakeDamageInfo - Minor Change, Added env_entity_dissolver example + Minor Change + Minor Change
render.DrawBox - Minor Change, added example
ENTITY:TriggerOutput - Minor Change + Minor Change + Minor Change
permissions.EnableVoiceChat - Minor Change + Minor Change
permissions.EnableVoiceChat - Minor Change + Minor Change
DHTML - Minor Change
4 Years Ago
HL2_Sound_List - Minor Change + re-add
HL2_Sound_List - Minor Change (add hl2 shortcut search)
Entity:SetPreventTransmit - Minor Change + Example
5 Years Ago
HL2_Sound_List - No change reason was given