Garry's Mod Wiki

User Changes: Argonium

4 Years Ago
table.HasValue - Bad Habits page
ENTITY:Initialize - SWEP ~= ENT
5 Years Ago
Player:GetName - Fixed
Player:Name - Fix
Entity:SetNWVector - ipairs and bruh
Entity:SetNWInt - Readabilty
NPC:MoveOrder - ipairs
NPC:TargetOrder - ipairs
GM:StartCommand - ipairs
gameevent.Listen - ipairs
NPC:GetNPCState - ipairs
NPC:GetEnemy - ipairs
Entity:Ignite - ipairs
GM:CanUndo - don't roast me
Entity:EmitSound - wizard language
Global.AddCSLuaFile - Wasted 40 minutes of life
Player:ShowProfile - You are not a 🤡 , you are an entire 🎪
File_Based_Storage - An Error
nan - Changing Category
any - Changing Category
proto - Changing Category
thread - Changing Category
function - Changing Category
boolean - Changing Category
Material_Flags - Changing Category
GM:PlayerDeath - GM => hook.Add
GM:PlayerConnect - GM => hook.Add
GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon - GM => hook.Add
GM:PlayerAuthed - GM => hook.Add
GM:OnUndo - pure lua, GM => hook.Add
GM:OnPlayerHitGround - pure lua, GM => hook.Add
GM:OnPhysgunFreeze - newlines, spacing
GM:OnEntityCreated - GM => hook.Add
GM:HUDPaint - spacing
GM:GetFallDamage - GM => hook.Add
GM:FinishChat - spacing
GM:EntityTakeDamage - newlines
GM:EntityEmitSound - pure lua
GM:CanPlayerSuicide - GM => hook.Add
GM:CanExitVehicle - spacing
GM:CanEditVariable - spacing
GM:AllowPlayerPickup - no need for local used only once
GM:AddDeathNotice - spacing
Player:DoSecondaryAttack - Invalid Enum
Player:DoAttackEvent - Invalid Enum
Player:DoReloadEvent - Invalid Enum
Player:Flashlight - spacing
Player:Flashlight - spacing
Player:Give - No need for useless locals
Player:GetHull - v => ply
Player:GetHullDuck - v => ply
Player:Freeze - v => ply
Player:Frags - spacing
Player:DropWeapon - pairs => ipairs
Player:Deaths - 4 spaces => tab, GM => hook.Add
Player:Armor - v => ply
Player:Alive - v => ply, 4 spaces => tab
Player:AddPlayerOption - a lot of formatting
Player:ViewPunch - spacing
Player:Team - spacing
Player:SuppressHint - removed ;
Player:StripWeapons - player.GetByID => Entity
Player:StripWeapon - player.GetByID => Entity, spacing
Player:SteamID64 - spacing
Player:SteamID - 4 spaces => tab, v => ply, spacing
Player:SprintDisable - player.GetByID => Entity
Player:SprintEnable - player.GetByID => Entity, invalid output
Player:SprayDecal - spacing
Player:SpectateEntity - pairs => ipairs, safe timer
Player:SetWeaponColor - GM => hook.Add